It’s a retail marketing truth: a media mix drives the best overall ROAS, whether focused on acquisition or retention. Marketing efforts cannot be all digital and they cannot be all direct mail. These programs support each other. Effective integration is key.
One beauty of direct mail is that it reaches 100% of your target audience. Jane and John Consumer literally must see and touch the piece IRL to even remove it from their mailbox.
How do you give that direct mail touch a multiplier? Repeat key elements of the direct mail creative in digital media during the timeframe that the direct mail drops.
Following are some examples of brands that have done this exceptionally well.
Fire On All Cylinders When The DM Drops!

Highlight Products Featured In DM In All Channels

Repetition Drives Recognition Drives Response

Make the Formula Work for Your Brand
Jane and John Consumer will see and touch your mailer when they retrieve it from their mailbox. Captivating, relevant front and back cover creative will compel them to continue thumbing through, increasing the chance they see a product they feel they must purchase immediately.
Need help conceptualizing and producing compelling direct mail creative? Care to have your digital creative assessed for effectiveness? Belardi Wong can help.