Spring’s longer days and warmer temperatures signal time to put the winter-wear away and lighten up as living and entertaining move outdoors. Right on time, the mailbox has been filling up with fashion inspiration to help consumers look and feel their best in the new season. Here are a few of our favorites.
Dresses in Full Bloom
Floral dresses are making a brilliant fashion statement on direct mail covers this spring.

Menswear Shows Off Lighter Layers
Menswear brands showed off spring styles on direct mail covers with imagery shot outside or in a bright airy studio.

Accessories Go For Bright
While neutrals tend to be bestsellers season after season, color catches consumers’ eyes and drives them to the web or store to see more. These accessories brands played to that fact with their spring cover creative.

Spring Styles for Young Fashionistas
Adorable faces make fresh spring children’s fashions even more appealing.

New Fashion Brands in the Mail
These fashion brands made their direct mail debut in Spring 2022.

Want to know how creative trends can be applied to your brand? Give us a ring or drop us an email. We’d love to collaborate.