As is our tradition as the year comes to a close, our last creative blog of the year highlights examples of outstanding holiday creative.
There were many examples to choose from! Look on:
Dressing Up To Go Out
For consumers ready to celebrate out this year, catalog covers featuring dressy apparel provided elegant inspiration.

Jewelry Gems
We admired two very different approaches to jewelry creative. In one approach, heroic proportions celebrated the product’s beauty. In the other approach, a women’s allure romanticized the product’s beauty.
Gifts from Furniture Brands
Several furniture brands added small ticket products to their assortments and successfully positioned themselves as destinations for gifts.

Happy Holidays – Literally
Catalog covers that make spirits bright make response rates brighter too. Happy models sell products!

Puppy Appeal
Consumers can’t help but look and say “Aww!” when they see a pet on a cover. An adorable dog can help sell just about anything!

Outdoor Adventures
The weather outside is fun and inviting – anything but frightful – as depicted by these outdoor gear and apparel brands.

Unique Creative
We’re always keen to highlight unique direct mail creative. Here are three uncommon pieces we saw this season:
Allbird’s broadside was a sales vehicle and gift in one. The side without product images or type was promoted as a piece of wrapping paper!

Figs’ holiday catalog was unique starting with the Xray-esqe cover. Inside, the product page on the left opened to a gatefold index highlighting categories that deviated from the medical apparel brand’s core offerings.

Bedding and bath linens as Christmas gifts? Absolutely, when positioned as such like Parachute did with the Gift Guide double truck in the center of their holiday catalog.

Gifts ‘A Plenty
By showing multiple items on the cover, these gift brands showed that they had plenty of options to offer

Trimming the Tree
The holiday answer to the art director’s question: How do we shoot all these little items and make a big impact?”: Style them into a tree shape!

Be Home Crate & Barrel
Demdaco MacKenzie-Childs